Colorado to New Mexico

Day 9

Me and my pet bearded dragon
Albuquerque Cultural Day
The sun is still with us on another beautiful morning, A day to visit places in this city. W started the day attempting to visit the botanical gardens, for which we had tickets for 10am. After visiting the zoo by mistake and eventually finding our way to the gardens there was no parking! Apparently they had overflow parking but would not open it up! Eventually we found a space but our ticket time had run out. They did let us in though. Lovely gardens divided into parts of the world. They also had a Bugarium! The only place I have seen such huge bugs was in Indiana Jones! Made you shiver. We also took a tour around the aquarium next door which was quite small really.

As we still had half a day left we found the Rattlesnake Museum which was extremely interesting with more (live) types of rattlesnake than I knew existed. The pictures is of a lady volunteer sat outside nursing a bearded dragon. She was also very interesting. The good thing about the museum was that it was in the middle of Old Town. A wonderfully attractive square and old adobe buildings. We visited a photographer’s studio, the chap was very proud of the fact that he still photographed using film and developed his own prints. Further down the road was the Albuquerque Photographers studio. Awesome prints, mostly printed on aluminium. Amazing landscapes and nature images.

We treated ourselves to dinner in a swanky restaurant, mainly because Geoff saw they had crab cakes! All in all a very educational day.

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