About Me
My initial interest was in landscape photography which arose from my love of travel. However, this has been surpassed by a passion for floral, still life and dance photography. The images here illustrate the full range of my interests.
I am a member, and Past President, of Exeter Camera Club. I gained my Licentiate of the RPS in 2010, after which I served on the RPS South West Chapter Committee where I shared the organisation of the Distinction Advisory Days for a few years. I gained my ARPS in October 2017 and am now concentrating on working towards a FRPS (hopefully).
I have attended numerous camera clubs in Devon, Dorset and Somerset as a guest speaker. Please contact me if you would like me to present to your club.
Having been a Canon fan for many years I have now deserted to the Fuji camp using an XT5, together with a variety of lenses. I also use a Leica Q2. I have a number of Lensbabies which has opened up a whole new world, together with a Sony RX which is a constant companion.