Colorado to New Mexico

Day 25

Taos to Raton
125 miles today with little asides. Part of the scenic route we did yesterday plus a very very long very very straight road. The image today is green trees! I love them. They stand out so beautifully against the dark rock and the dark pines. Also it has been raining off and on all day today and it saturates the green even more

We travelled through Cimmaron which, according to legend has paid host to every cowboy you have ever seen films about or even heard of. They have a famous hotel called The St James, shame it was too surrounded by 4 x 4s that it was impossible to get a decent picture.

We have been wildlife watching including sightings of mule deer, pronghorn antelope, elk and groundhogs.

We eventually arrived in Raton, which is another one of these strip towns, this time it did not even have a Starbucks. They did let us book into our hotel early and I spent the afternoon doing my laundry so I can take everything home clean. A bit strange but I like it that way.

Some years ago we used to frequent Best Western hotels but after a couple of bad experiences we gave them the heave ho. However there are not too many places to eat and a restaurant in a Best Western came out top. It was ‘real posh’. Very nice indeed. We may well give them another go.

Only two more days to go. The weather seems to have set in and thunderstorms are on the cards. It is a bit chilly to say the least so no more air con! Tomorrow we are off to Colorado Springs or Manitou Springs, a bit of a long drag of 200 miles. We will probably do most of it on the freeway.

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